Tuesday 17 September 2013

Dream Journal

Hiiii everyone!

Lately I have become quite annoyed at the fact that I can NEVER remember my dreams. I am referring to when I am actually aware that I had a dream during the night, which in itself is rare. The moment I wake up I can recall it clearly but later in the morning (even 10 minutes later) the details are fuzzy, and I struggle to remember what happened. Sometimes I want to tell my friends or family about a dream I had because it was funny or weird or whatever the reason, but I just cannot remember it for the life of me!
For this reason I have decided to start a dream journal. I am aware that this may seem a bit odd to some people but I think it's a neat idea. Both my mom and one of my closest friends mentioned doing this and I figured I'd give it a try and  I have found the perfect journal! :)

I have actually had this journal for over a year, but I had no idea what to use it for. I didn't want to use it as my main journal as there are no lines and the pages are more difficult to write on than normal paper. For a dream journal though I thought this was perfect!
Now I am actually very lazy when it comes to journals. If I am writing a long entry, there are times when I may not even complete it. This being said, I am going to try my hardest not to be lazy with this one. It is sitting on my night table with a pen so that if I wake up and remember a dream I can write it down right away.
Let me know what you think of this idea, or if you have done this before, let me know how it went. :)
I hope you all have a lovely day
Byeeeee <3


  1. Thats the most amazing journal i've ever seen! Love how authentic it looks!

    Xo Mel

    1. Thanks! yeah thats what i love about it! I found it in this cute little shop near my cottage :)

  2. I can totally relate. A dream journal is a great idea, looks wonderful

  3. Hey read my blog on dreams! you might find it some really cool facts about it :)


    1. That was a really interesting post! And when I saw the title I actually started singing the Lizzy Mcguire song ahahaha :)
