Monday, 23 June 2014

Comparison is the Theif of Joy

Hiiii! :)

      For the past little while I have found that I've been comparing myself to others constantly.I don't do it intentionally, it just sort of happens either through social media or  even amongst my friends. I find that this is a common problem in today's society and I think it is important for everyone to remember that they are their own person and we all have certain aspects that make us special. We are all amazing in our own ways and I need to remember that sometimes.  We all need to stop comparing ourselves to others because we are not that person, nor will we ever be.  We are who we are and we might as well embrace it :)
     I have promised myself to focus on loving myself more, doing things that I love and being extra thankful for everything in my life. This obviously doesn't happen over night, it is a journey, but it is 100% worth it!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the great warm weather!
Byeeeee <3


  1. Great post,love it!
    Following you now,hope you’ll do the same;)

  2. I love this post! Thank you for following my blog by the way :)

  3. Just come across your blog.... I'm glad I did, your blog is amazing I love your design will defo keep in touch :)

    would mean a lot if you came along to my blog and said hi :)

    have a wonderful day



    1. Thank you!! I'll definitely give your blog a look :)

  4. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!! Look here -

  5. Comparison is indeed thief of joy & one needs to realize that just because someone else is better than you doesn't mean you are not good enough. I learnt this a long time back & I loved reading this.& would you like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know!
    & keep in touch!

