Friday, 7 June 2013


Hiii! :)
I find that I  don't really watch a lot of TV. During the year I'm really busy with school and competitive hockey and other activities, so I find it rather difficult to keep up with shows. Instead, when I find a show that I really enjoy, I save some money and try to gradually buy the seasons so that I can watch it whenever I feel like it.

One of my all time favourite shows has to be Friends. I find it very difficult to pick an absolute favourite show but this one is very close to the top (along with a few others). I forget exactly when I started loving it, but it was a while ago. Over the course of some Birthdays and Christmas's and even purchasing some myself, I finally got all ten seasons. Yay!

Now this year was very stressful, as it was my first year of unversity, so I didn't really watch any shows or movies that I have. I was just too busy. A few nights ago I rediscovered my Friends seasons. I hadn't actually watched them in ages!! It must have been at least a year, so I was like why not watch them all again!

I finished season 1 two days ago and sadly two of the discs are very scratched which is a  bit upsetting (I really have no idea when or how that happened). However I am now onto season 2 and I am happy to say that it is still one of my favourite shows. I just think it is so funny and I enjoy watcing it a lot! Personally, my favourite characters are Chandler and Phoebe, but I do love the others as well. It is just a wonderful feeling being able to curl up on the couch on a rainy day and watching a show that you love. Plus, the theme song is great too, I always do the clapping part (those of you who watch friends will understand) :)Theme song

Feel free to leave any thoughts you may have below! Let me know what your favourite shows are. :)
I hope you all have an awesome day!

Byeee <3


  1. I have heard so much about this show over the years and have still not gotten around to watching any of it yet. Maybe someday :) I tend to like classic TV shows a lot like 'I Love Lucy' so I'm not too familiar with newer shows because I'm like you and don't have too much time to watch TV when it airs.

    1. I would definitely recommend it! And I've never actually seen I Love Lucy, but I do think that I'd enjoy it :)
